Wednesday, June 25, 2008

AHHH Homemade!

OK to some this might look like a bowl of mush, but to me it is a bowl of sweet victory. A huge accomplishment... While on our visit in California we got a great find. A pasta machine. This is not just any pasta machine, it is the mack daddy of all pasta machines. So it being the "new toy" in the house we have to play with it. 2 nights ago we made peanut butter cookies. They were very easy to make, so tonight we decided why not make homemade spaghetti and meatballs, after all that is why we got it. It took a while to make, but man that was some good spaghetti. This machine made spaghetti and then we turned around and made meatballs. I just couldn't wait to share the pictures. So here it is my sweet victory... Ahhh homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Enjoy!

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