Friday, June 27, 2008

Boy by day Punk rocker by night

Patrick has been in a serious need of a haircut for some time now and Paul has been spiking Patrick's hair after he gets out of the bathtub every night, so being the kind of kid that Patrick is he says "Mommy I want a spiky haircut." Paul looks at me and I say "Why not it's only hair, it will grow back." Right about now Paul is giving me this odd look like who are you and what have you done with my wife. I guess usually I would be the one to veto an idea like giving our 4 year old a Mohawk, but since it is still a month away from preschool and his hair grows so incredibly fast, I couldn't help but wonder what would he do if I actually agreed to cut his hair that way. I still don't think he believed me that I would do it, so today that is exactly what I did. I charged up the hair clippers and told Patrick it was time for a haircut. I sat Patrick down in the kitchen, took off his shirt, wet his hair and started cutting away. Well low and behold our 4 year old has his first of I am sure many Mohawks! Ahhh the joy of having a boy!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

AHHH Homemade!

OK to some this might look like a bowl of mush, but to me it is a bowl of sweet victory. A huge accomplishment... While on our visit in California we got a great find. A pasta machine. This is not just any pasta machine, it is the mack daddy of all pasta machines. So it being the "new toy" in the house we have to play with it. 2 nights ago we made peanut butter cookies. They were very easy to make, so tonight we decided why not make homemade spaghetti and meatballs, after all that is why we got it. It took a while to make, but man that was some good spaghetti. This machine made spaghetti and then we turned around and made meatballs. I just couldn't wait to share the pictures. So here it is my sweet victory... Ahhh homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Enjoy!

Enjoying the better times of life

So Paul has been on vacation or as the Navy says "stand down" the last few days, which I thought would be the perfect time to get stuff "projects" done around the house, instead we have been well lazy for lack of a better term. That's right sitting on our behinds doing nothing, zelch, noda. Today it hit me, that we don't do that enough. Here I was watching a girly "chick" flick on my laptop while my loving husband watching a manly movie on the big screen tv, that way we could both get what we wanted and neither one of us had to suffer though the other's movie. Perfect and yet at the same time I was completely happy. I love my husband and spending time with him and today it made me truely value doing NOTHING!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New at this

So we are just creating our web page so you have to give us a little bit to figure all this out! We just got back from vacation in California, which was a blast. The trip out there well was... um long to say the least. 4 people + a dog in a car for 3 days = crazy car ride! We had a lot of fun visiting with our family though and it was a much needed break from our normal ( if you can call it that ) busy lives. Paul had not been "home" in 3 years so as you could imagine he was very excited. After all the visits and 5400 miles we are safe and sound back in Georgia. Ahhh back to life and reality. Cross your fingers for another visit during Christmas, only this time I think we are going to FLY!!!