Friday, February 19, 2010

Sometimes Parenthood Stinks :-(

Sometimes I don't like having to be a parent and having to deal with punishment. As our children get older we have a harder and harder time with life lessons. The oldest came home from school yesterday with a bad day, and bad really is an understatement to say the least. How do you deal with days like that? He is very strong willed and when he makes up his mind that it wasn't his fault there is no getting through to him. Calls from the principle is never a good sign, and as wonderful as she is, I dread getting to talk to her. She called yesterday to explain what really happened and needless to say it put me into tears, causing me to deal out a lecture about right and wrong things to say to or about people. Well this punishment went very differently than usual. Usually we deal out the no talking on the phone to friends, no video games, etc. This time it went something like this... The only entertainment you will have this weekend is... Reading. You will pick a book and do a 200 word book report on it, explaining the life lesson the author is trying to tell you, the main characters and a bit of history on them and your thoughts on the book. Then you will write a letter of apology to the people you hurt and why it is wrong to say mean things to them. You will also do your homework packet (which isn't due till next Thursday) by Monday morning, and once all that is done you will do chores to fill the time. Sometimes I don't like being a parent........
Sometimes Parenthood Stinks...

1 comment:

my life is a mosaic... said...

I hear you, Tiffany. You feel so badly about being so harsh. Yet, we know it's for their good. Stand firm! Someday...maybe sooner than you'll both be grateful you did.