Friday, January 23, 2009

Not Feeling it...

Do you ever have those days where you are "under the weather" and are just not feeling it? Don't feel like doing anything really. You know you have chores to get done but all you really want to do is sit and veg out. Paul and I have been feeling a bit sick and let me tell you this round of cold sucks. First you get the whole runny nose thing and then the next day you are plugged, followed by more runny nose. Uhhh I can't stand being sick. Here's to hoping this goes away soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Applied for Orders

As of yesterday morning, we officially applied for orders to Bangor, Washington. If all goes well we should hear soon if we got the orders or not and then we can officially start planning for the big move... Please keep your fingers crossed and send tons of prayers that we get these orders.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Family Pictures

I was sitting here trying to organize our pictures that we got from Christmas and I thought I would share some with all of you. Hopefully I will have some up tomorrow from our trip HOME (California)

Just the 2 of us Our 2 boys Daddy & the boys aka: my 3 loves

Mommy & the boys

= 1 happy family

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh Patrick

Yesterday I was having the same old kind of conversation with Patrick and asking him what he would like for lunch and he was doing the normal thing... ignoring me so I called him again... "Patrick, what would you like for lunch?" He says no reply so by now I have repeated these steps 4 or 5 times by now and he has ignored all of them so feeling a bit frustrated I say "Patrick Charles why are you ignoring me?" He looks up at me and says "Because I am not Patrick Charles." With an odd look on my face I reply with "Really well then who are you?" He says "P.Charles is my new name." So for the moment he is being referred to as The Artist Formally Known as Patrick Charles... Aka: P.Charles